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The most comprehensive freight forecast available

FTR 2022 Subscriptions Product Sublogos_light version_U.S. Freight Outlook by Mode(1)


We are the only company that tracks and forecasts 209 commodity codes at the 3-digit STCC code level.

Not all freight is created equal. Viewing how commodities are growing and contracting across the industry allows your business to focus on the sectors poised for growth saving your sales team from chasing freight in struggling industries.

Our U.S. Freight Outlook by Mode file provides the most comprehensive freight forecast in the industry for tonnage, tonmiles, and loadings for the entire modal network.

Total US Market
  • An exclusive FTR economic forecast
  • Total US freight demand by tonnage
  • Total US freight demand by ton-miles
train (1)
Rail Industry
  • Rail tonnage
  • Rail ton-miles
  • Rail carloadings originated
  • Rail intermodal loadings
container-truck (1)
Class 8 Heavy Duty
  • Straight truck
    • tonnage
    • ton-miles
    • loadings
  • Tractor/trailer
    • tonnage
    • ton-miles
    • loadings
Class 5-7 & other truck
  • Total commercial vehicle tons
  • Total commercial vehicle ton-miles
  • Class 5-7 tonnage
  • Class 5-7 ton-miles
barge (1)
Water (inland barge)
  • Water tonnage
  • Water ton-miles
gas-pipeline (2)
Air & Pipeline
  • Pipeline tonnage
  • Pipeline ton-miles
  • Air tonnage
  • Air ton-miles
Test Hexagon - Data

Data delivered how you need it

The US Freight Outlook by Mode service was created to save your organization time and resources by providing a data-driven forecast for the major commodity groups so you can base your decision-making on industries poised for growth and not get blindsided by markets that aren't as in demand.  The service consists of:

  • Excel database with historical data dating back to 1992 and forecasted out 8 quarters
  • Monthly State of Freight Webinars
  • Direct access to the FTR Experts to answer your questions about what's driving market activity

Harness the power of a data-driven unbiased North American commercial freight forecast

Download a sample report to see how an unbiased 3rd party market intelligence service can guide your long-term decision-making.