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Learn more about the TruckStop & FTR U.S. Spot Pressure Heatmap at this knowledgebase article:
Van spot rates continue to fade as flatbed rates rise
The pattern for almost all of 2025 so far continued as broker-posted spot market rates in the Truckstop system rose for flatbed equipment and decreased for van equipment during the week ended March 21 (week 11). Flatbed spot rates were the highest since June. Dry van rates were the lowest since September, and refrigerated rates were the lowest since June 2020. While dry van rates exceeded those in a few weeks during 2023 and 2024, they were only about 2 cents higher than they were in June 2020.
Updated weekly on Tuesday, FTR's Avery Vise provides timely updates on key trucking topics moving the market.
Navigate the Shifting Political Landscape with Confidence. Watch the replay our 2025 SOF Transportation Outlook.
Updated biweekly on Fridays, FTR's Joseph Towers provides timely updates on rail topics moving the market.
New class 8 truck orders are normally a leading indicator of the state of the economy. Follow our preliminary order updates to understand the direction of the economy and commercial vehicle production.
Strong freight demand dictates the need for new trailers. Follow our preliminary trailer orders to monitor the underlying health of freight and track the demand for new equipment.
This exclusive FTR metric combines millions of data points known to influence truck fleet behavior to provide one index measuring the industry's health.
This exclusive FTR metric combines millions of transportation data points into one index to help shippers understand rate pressure across the industry.